Dirk Veulemans - Composer

1/6  The BOEM logo

2/6  View of the set-up

3/6  View of the audience

4/6  The program leaflet

5/6  Organisor Dirk Veulemans

6/6  standing: Nicolas Nuyens, Paul Adriaenssens, Jean-Louis Poliart, Stephan Dunkelman, Daniel Perez-Hajdu, Sophie Delafontaine, Dirk Veulemans
sitting: Joris de Laet, Todor Todoroff, Profanter Caroline


It was Stephan Dunkelman (1956-2020) who pushed my start button in June 2018. Stephan had been active for quite some time in Halolalune v.z.w., which organises La Semaine du Son / The Week of Sound every year. This organisation's mission is to make people more aware of the world of sound around them, and they wanted to reach out more to the Flemish part of the country. This world of sound can be understood in a broad sense and includes all kinds of activities as well as concerts. Stephan had known me for a long time and asked me if I would like to organise a concert of electro-acoustic music in Flanders as part of the Week of Sound.

For a long time already, I had the feeling that this form of music was not given enough attention. Especially in Antwerp I felt that something had to be done. So Stephan didn't have to insist too much.

Het Bos (The forest)

To organise a concert, you need the cooperation of several people or organisations. You need a hall with a crew, composers have to must cooperate, technical help and materials have to be available, and the initiative has to be publicised. Finally, it all has to be paid for.

Het Bos is an arts centre for young people in Antwerp. This organisation has a concert hall and peripheral facilities and was willing to host a musical meeting of composers of electroacoustic music. Through its support, Het Bos made it possible to organise a concert. It should not be overlooked that the participating composers also supported the concert completely selflessly.

I had previously organised an OEM (Meeting Electroacoustic Music), and as the focus was on composers active in Belgium, I thought that an extra B in the title would not be out of place. So BOEM. (pronounced BOOM)

The Concert - February 2, 2019

  1. Paul Adriaenssens - With a black and practiced eye
  2. Sophie Delafontaine - Gris_souris
  3. Floris Vanhoof - Cycles of confusion
  4. Jean-Louis Poliart - Prelude
  5. Daniel Perez-Hajdu - Memerupa
  6. Valery Vermeulen - OGL 01 & 08
  7. Dirk Veulemans - Virtuele Ruimtes

Deel 2

  1. Moniek Darge - Tamil Nadu
  2. Joris de Laet - Au plus de soleil au plus de bruit
  3. Nicolas Nuyens - Le fil ébréché
  4. Stefan Prins - Peel
  5. Profanter Caroline - Ne-On
  6. Todor Todoroff - Matières
  7. Stephan Dunkelman – Swish

laatste update: 2023.10.20

Related pages
  KaG Electro en OEM
  BOEM 2020
  BOEM 2022
  BOEM 2023

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